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    Press “A” to Transfer Terrorist Funds

    Government intervention has always resided in the nether world of Sisyphean dilemmas. On one hand the intervention itself is almost certainly going to do more harm than good. The problems addressed by government are too large, systemic, and chaotic to allow some policy wonk’s solution any reasonable chance of success. On the other hand, [...]

    2018-08-20T21:01:26-04:00 December 11th, 2013|Financial News|

      Fee-zy Shmeazy

      A while ago, 401(k) fees were all the rage in the media. Big articles were written, big legislation was produced, and the big fees themselves were supposed to become a little more transparent. Apparently the companies providing the 401(k) plans were making BOATLOADS of money off of the fees, and (surprise!) they weren’t exactly [...]

      2018-08-20T17:04:11-04:00 November 11th, 2013|Financial News|

        Even Scarier – Wall Street and the Nobel Prize

        Recently, the 2013 Nobel Prize in Economics was given to three professors for “their empirical analysis of asset prices”. Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller were awarded the prize for their groundwork in determining that stock prices are hard to predict in the short time, easier in the long term, and have [...]

        2018-08-20T17:03:04-04:00 October 15th, 2013|Financial News|

          Retirement News: Millenials, Small Business, and Lawsuits

          The Millenial Shuffle? Forbes is reporting that Millenials (those of us who are really 30 and under) are seriously deficient in their retirement saving. The reasons proffered include disinterest in standard retirement plans due to recent market volatility, huge student loan debt, and general youthfulness (i.e. “Retirement? Isn’t that something that you worry about [...]

          2018-08-21T08:56:14-04:00 October 3rd, 2013|Financial News|

            Scary Things About the Stock Market #1

            Obviously the Stock Market is the eventual end point for most workers’ investments, retirement or otherwise. Your financial advisor is going to tell you that, historically speaking, it’s the most stable thing out there. Consequently, it’s where s/he’s going to place your bets. If you’re investing via a company 401(k) then you’re limited to [...]

            2018-08-21T08:59:28-04:00 August 30th, 2013|The Idea of Business|

              Running the Retirement Well Dry

              A recent survey from State Street Global Advisors draws a conclusion that seems inevitable in the contemporary market. Investors want a monthly retirement income, in addition to whatever they may get from Social Security. That seems like an obvious desire as that is indeed the whole point of retirement saving: having money to live [...]

              2018-08-21T08:58:09-04:00 August 2nd, 2013|Financial News|

                Did the Technology Train Miss the Retirement Station?

                The positive implications of technology are so ubiquitous that the general public has become inured to the constant proclamations of breakthroughs, game changers, and world shifting inventions. In the realm of medicine, it’s taken for granted that new treatments will be discovered, life spans will be extended, and diseases will slowly but surely fall [...]

                2018-08-20T16:56:18-04:00 July 5th, 2013|The Idea of Business|

                  Retirement in the News

                  Local Government Cuts Pension Plans Trying to avoid possible bankruptcy, the city of Detroit continues to outline major budgetary cuts and cost saving maneuvers. Amongst the more noticeable of these cuts is a massive reduction in pension benefits. These would include reducing existing pension checks, as well as eliminating pensions completely for those who [...]

                  2018-08-21T08:55:02-04:00 July 1st, 2013|Financial News|

                    Five Killer Mistakes that New Real Estate Investors Make

                    Last time we spoke about the kind of property that a novice real estate investor might want to purchase for his/her retirement fund. A conservative rental, single or multi-family, was offered as a good option because of the cash flow that it generates. However, not all rental properties are created equal. Here are 5 [...]

                    2018-08-20T17:05:18-04:00 March 18th, 2013|How To|

                      Real Estate for the Little Guy #2 – Practical Considerations

                      A few weeks ago we looked at the case of Rachel: a successful nurse who had $200k in her 401(k) and wants to get into real estate. Rachel had no previous real estate experience and wanted to jump right away into big commercial deals. We explained in Part 1 why that would not be [...]

                      2018-08-21T08:46:04-04:00 March 4th, 2013|How To|

                      Custodial or Checkbook Control Plan: Which is Best for You? We Offer Both.

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