Americans favor real estate over stocks for long-term investment, analysis says.
The data is finally starting to back up the logic.
This is a special edition of Keep-in-Mind Content that will exclusively highlight the above linked article which is about the preference of many Americans to invest in real estate as opposed to the stock market. The article details a recent survey conducted by the financial service company Bankrate that has found that 31 percent of respondents would invest money they didn’t need for more than ten years in real estate. Stocks came in second at 20 percent followed by cash investments with 19 percent, and bonds at 7 percent. At the bottom of the list was none at 5 percent and bitcoin or cryptocurrency at 4 percent.
As the survey shows, more and more Americans are choosing to lean into real estate when it comes to securing their long-term financial future as opposed to the stock market. The ins and outs of Wall Street may as well be a foreign language to many, while real estate deals in tangible assets. Houses are something people can more easily wrap their heads around.
This is not to say that making money in real estate is necessarily easy. One should absolutely be as educated and prepared as possible when taking the plunge into the real estate investing game. However, it seems as if an increasing number of Americans are deciding for themselves that real estate is a solid, and more palatable, long-term investment when compared to the stock market.
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Survey says: real estate is the nation’s favorite long-term investment. Allow us to help you join the majority by setting you up with a IRA LLC with Checkbook Control to use for your own great real estate investments. The freedom and empowerment this plan gives you could end up being the difference between a decent retirement and a dream retirement.