Welcome to Keep-in-Mind content! We scoured the Internet for useful pieces of news and information that could potentially help you toward your next great investment. It all can start with one tip or point in the right direction, so every week we gather a few links that we think could be of interest to you.
Climate Change is Real…Estate
Believe it or not, the increased need (and subsequent increased costs) for property insurance as extreme weather becomes more unpredictable and common is forcing real estate investors to adjust their strategies accordingly. Byron Carlock, national partner & real estate practice leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers, addressed this and more involving how climate change is affecting real estate investing in the below-linked interview with Commercial Property Executive:
How Climate Change Affects Real Estate Investment Strategies
The High-Roller Table
If you’re a high-net worth real estate investor, then Brian Estes has some tips for you to further build on the wealth you have already amassed. Through the 3 strategies he details in the column linked below, learn how to avoid complacency and continue your successful ways:
Real estate investment strategies for high net-worth individuals
Bitcoin Round-Up
The leading cryptocurrency may have rounded off around $10,000 in recent weeks, but Raoul Pal, a former head of equities and equities derivatives at Goldman Sachs UK office and the founder of Global Macro Investors and Real Vision Group, believes bitcoin can round into shape in the future. Read about why Pal’s predictions for bitcoin trend so heavily toward the optimistic below:
Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec Confident ‘Nothing Else Has Payoff’ as Bitcoin