Broad Financial’s SEP IRA gives your self-employed retirement account the tools it needs to create real prosperity.
A Self Directed SEP IRA with Checkbook Control takes you to the next level by getting rid of transaction and asset fees, enabling Real Time Investing, and giving you complete control of your retirement funds at the bank of your choosing.
If you’re only interested in staying on Wall Street, then the Ultimate SEP IRA is not for you. However, if you want to diversify into assets that you know and understand, then Broad’s self-directed platform will give you the freedom to take your retirement further.
- Freedom of Assets – Go beyond Wall Street with local real estate, private business, or personal loans.
- Freedom from Fees – Say goodbye to transaction and asset-based fees with unlimited transactional ability.
- Freedom from Paperwork – Place investments by simply signing a check. No request forms or lengthy authorization delays necessary.
SEP IRA Contribution Limits
The maximum contribution for 2022 is $61,000.
The actual contribution limit is dependent upon income. For corporations, the contribution limit is set at 25% of income. For sole proprietors or single member LLC’s, the limit is capped at 20% of income.1
Sep IRA Contribution Limit Calculator.
Broad’s SEP IRA gives you all the tax-deferred benefits you would get in a standard SEP IRA, plus the incredible investing agility of Checkbook Control. As a self-employed worker, you know how to make your daily financial decisions matter. Now, with the power of Checkbook Control, you can do the same thing for your retirement. It’s time to start creating your own prosperity.
1Â Important note: The number you use for your annual income for sole proprietors or single member LLCs must be reduced by the self employment tax deduction (Schedule SE (Form 1040) line 13). In other words, first subtract the deduction from your income and then use the result for calculating your contribution limit.